Can you support our mission?
Savio House can only survive through the generosity of its donors and supporters. All donations are gratefully received and enable us to continue our work with young people.
Our retreats are priced competitively so that they are affordable to as many young people as possible. Even though they are subsidised by the Salesian Province the retreats run at a loss. With increasing costs and demands upon the charity’s resources, fundraising and donations have become more vital than ever. With this in mind we would be grateful if you would consider making a donation to Savio House to ensure that the Salesian mission continues for future generations.
What could my donation be used for?
£20 would provide meals for a young person on retreat
£30 would provide new footballs for outdoor games
£60 would provide new art equipment for retreats
£100 would cover the cost of subsidising a retreat for a young person
£122 would provide a new mattress for use by a school group
£350 would purchase new musical instruments for retreats
£730 is the average weekly cost of heating our buildings
£2350 is the cost of volunteer allowance for 1 year
£5000 is the cost of training the retreat team each year
We accept donations of any amount. Donations can be made by standing order or BACS contact us for information on how to do this or send us a cheque made payable to SDB Trustees Ltd/ Savio Fundraising and send this to our address below.
Amazon wishlist
We have now got an Amazon Wishlist so that instead of donating money you can also buy items to support our retreats.
On the Amazon Wishlist there is everything from day to day items to items we would like to upgrade. All these things are needed and used all the time so we are asking for your help. Gifts start as low as £5 so there is something to suit every budget.
All you need to do is click on the image below and this will take you to our Amazon wish list. Then you can buy whatever you feel you can, and then once you have paid for it, Amazon will ship it off to us directly.
We know some people do not want to donate money but would like to actually buy something so here is your chance…
Savio 100
Savio 100 is an important way you can support the mission of Savio House by donating £100 per year or whatever you can afford. This will allow us to provide the opportunity for an often life-changing experience of a retreat for young people.
Download the leaflet for further information here or contact us for more information or to be sent a form through the post.
Savio House is grateful for grant funding from the following organisations:

All Churches Trust